Create Y2: Studynight - Artificial Intelligence Theory [ONLINE]
- Organised by the EducaCie
- Tuesday 11 January 2022, 19:30 till 22:30
- Proto Discord To join this activity you need to be a member.
Become a a member by clicking on this message or log in.
Are you struggling with the exam of AI&T that will be on the 13th of January as a CreaTe Y2 student? Then come join the studynight organized by S.A. Proto, on request of the teachers. The studynight is on the Proto discord, where TA's will be available to join the online tables.
How to studynight online 101:
You can join a table alone or with others to study. If you have a question, you can ask* them in the 'Questions" text channel. A TA will then join your table to answer your question.**
At first this also included a studynight for sketching for Y1,. Unfortunately, this had to be canceled due to the extended Covid measures