[Moved to Sept 25th] Build your own interactive 64x64 decoration LED panel
- Organised by the DIYCie
- Friday 25 September 2020, 09:00 till 17:30
- SmartXP To join this activity you need to be a member.
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On the 25th of September Proto is offering a "Do It Yourself" workshop during which the participants are going to build a Raspberry Pi powered 64x64 LED screen.
On this day you will learn how to set up and control your own Raspberry Pi Zero over the internet. You will also connect several different components like a 64x64 LED Matrix to the device.
Once your LED screen is done, you will be able to play one of the existing examples created for the workshop like Snake, or program your own application!
You will get the needed tools including a nicely designed case for a small participation fee.
This activity has been brought to you in cooperation with OGD!
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Next to that, this activity is sponsored by Ben's Electronics and vanallesenmeer.nl, for all your technical desires! Check them out HERE and HERE.