Student-Like drink
- Organised by the Association Board
- Monday 11 February 2019, 16:00 till 20:00
- AbScInt To join this activity you need to be a member.
Become a a member by clicking on this message or log in.
Io vivat, io vivat! We are no ordinary or very student-like association, but during this drink we will be! Come dressed in "jasje-dasje" (jacket-tie), follow the unwritten rules ("mores"), talk like a real posh person and listen to the most beautiful student-like hits ("ik wou dat ik praeses was")! There might be some wonderful snacks and maybe even awesome challenges you can do to win free drinks!!!
During this drink, there will also be a possibility to buy more Proto merchandise! (ties, bowtie pre-sign up, suspenders, chokers, and more!)