Symposium Level Up Life

Would you like to level up your life?
Then join the Level up Life Symposium of 2023! This symposium will focus on themes such as, environment, health, cyber security, smart homes & VR.
During this whole day there will be lectures and workshops given by executives of companies about what Level up Life entails for their company, and how they work towards leveling up life for their customers of the world we live in.

If you are signed up please make sure to fill in this form to give your preference on which lecture and workshop you would like to follow.

Are you a Proto member?

Sign up for the event like normally!

Are you not a Proto member?

Buy a ticket here! In order to do this, you need to create a Proto account and log in. This does not mean you have to become a member. Afterwards, you can use iDeal to pay for the ticket.

Tickets include coffee, tea and lunch as well as a few drinks at the networking drink after the symposium.

The following companies will be at the symposium:

  • Homey
  • Ecare
  • Thales
  • Movella
  • DiGidot
  • SeriousVR
  • Xablu

Also make sure to scroll through the symposium website!