[Y1] CRITEEC - Art Impact and Technology
Other- Organised by the CRITEEC
- Monday 3 July 2023, 12:45 till 13:45
- Boardroom
- This event is not organized by S.A. Proto To join this activity you need to be a member.
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There is a big chance that somewhere during this module you have come across some problems or had ideas for improvement. The CRITEEC committee has been set up to make sure your problems and ideas are heard, and that your feedback will be implemented to improve our courses and modules. We will also provide you with free lunch!
What is the CRITEEC?
The CreaTe and ITech Evaluation Committee (CRITEEC) focuses on making sure students from Creative Technology and Interaction Technology can give feedback about the modules and courses they are following. Feedback is gathered during an evaluation panel, which most likely takes place during the break. During the first half of the panel, students can give feedback. Teachers will join during the second half to discuss the feedback and answer any questions.
It’s very important for teachers, students, and the program overall to receive this feedback. Without it, it would be impossible to improve our education.
So, do you have anything to say about Art Impact and Technology? Come by and enjoy your free lunch!