CreaTe Y1 & Y2: Studynight - Sounds&Circuits AND Artificial Intelligence and Programming Practice
- Organised by the EducaCie
- Monday 24 January 2022, 19:30 till 22:30
- SmartXp To join this activity you need to be a member.
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Are you, a first year of CreaTe, stressing for the Sounds&Circuits exam that is the 25th of January? Or are you a second year and do you want a study place while working on Artificial Intelligence and Programming Practice? Then come join the studynight!
For Sounds&Circuits, TA's will be available. Unfortuantly, no TA's are available for AI&P, so they can't help you. Marcus will may be on discord to answers, but no promises. Sorry if you were counting on TA's to help. We tried.
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